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Losing weight with Joule Life

JouleLife(ジュールライフ) | カラダのこと、いつもココロに留めておこう。アプリと体重体組成計でセルフケア


Have you heard of Joule Life?

It is a health support service that utilizes the linkage between a body composition analyzer and an app.

It is mainly for weight loss purposes.


The service fee is 480 yen/month for the subscriber type.

This includes the price of the body composition analyzer.


If you continue the contract for more than one year, you do not need to return the Body Composition Analyzer even if you cancel the contract.


In other words, if you cancel after 12 months, it is the same as purchasing the body composition analyzer for 5,760 yen (= 480 yen dismounted for 12 months) in 12 installments.


Of course, Bluetooth wireless connection is used, and the results of measurements taken by the body composition analyzer are immediately recorded in the application.

What can be measured is not only weight and body fat percentage, but also BMI, water content, muscle mass, bone mass, visceral fat level, basal metabolism, and even body age.

The number of registered users is unlimited.


Here is a graph I have been using for the last three months.

Blue: weight Red: body fat percentage

I am doing well.

Measure, record, and visualize every day.


In fact, this is all you need to do to lose weight.

However, people don't do it because they think it is too much trouble.


Then, just take away the hassle.

Just take your smartphone and get on a body composition analyzer every day to record and visualize.


Some people say that weight loss can only be done if you have a strong will, but I think differently.

I think 90% of it depends on how you can create a situation where you can lose weight.


If you are having trouble losing weight, please take a look at this page.